Saturday, March 22, 2008

A quick note about this blog

I re-used an old blogspot URL that I had for another blog, so if you subscribe to the feed and find several old posts from about a year ago, that's the explanation. That blog was from my former life as a mathematics graduate student. I hope to talk about math in this fancy new blog, but I'm not going to theme this blog into a rut like that one. So there you have it.


W. Harris said...

how about and RSS feed? I tried to subscribe using G-reader and it says no feed available.

Looking forward to hearing what you have to say. (I enjoy keeping up with you and the fam over @ the other blog as well.

Tim said...

Hmm... this must be a problem related to using the old URL. If you use the link at the bottom of the blog for the Atom feed, you can subscribe in Google Reader or your favorite feed reader. I'm not sure what's wrong with just using the blog URL, which usually works.